The Plan of Action
Hey guys. 🙂
Just an update on our current timeline:
We’re leaving for the Grahamstown National Arts Festival on Monday the 24th. We’ve managed to complete a good chunk of our current contract (which by the way is looking AWESOME in our humble and totally unbiased opinions, hem hem) so we’re taking a break and getting our culture on. 😀 We’ll stop in Jeffreys Bay for a few days to visit Danelle’s awesome grandparents, and then head on to PE, where we’ll be hanging out with our kief friend Clarence (aka Dr. “Bitch Please” Musson), and then it’s onwards to the freezing but scenic Grahamstown on the 27th. We head back on the 2nd, stopping in Jbay again and arriving back home on the 3rd.
Inbetween all that, Ben and I will be working on some Cottonstar pages, and hope to have some things scripted and scamped by the time we get back. Our big project’s deadline is the 15th of July, after which we will most likely collapse in exhaustion for a few days, until we head up to JHB for a wedding of a very dear friend of ours on the 19th, returning on the 21st. THEN we will most certainly try and get pages out ASAP.
We are really excited to get back to the comic. But we are also really excited about this project we’re doing, and hope to be able to share it with you soon.
As always, thank you for your patience, it means a lot to us.
Love and good vibes
Ben & Danelle <3
PS: AWESOME NEWS, remember our lads needing money to go to SDCC on very short notice? Well they’ve managed to pull it off! Moray, Neville and Ray will be flying to San Diego for the comic con and will be representing local talent there in a panel discussion on Velocity, and comics in South Africa and Australia. We are SO EXCITED. They’re taking a bunch of Cottonstar Chapter 1s along, too, which is awesome of them, and we are very grateful that they are affording us this opportunity. The issues will be handed out to panel attendees. YAY! 😀