Page 11


  1. The armory is the most exciting part of any story. For your typical geek, anyway.

  2. Wooo! Finaly a break in the day so I can come check the new one out. Still such a cool pose on Noah. More more more!

    Adi ~

    • Awesome stuff, thank you for keeping us company in Livestream last night! 😀 We hope to start on the next page very soon! As the universe would have it, Ben just got a crapton of work from the office so we’ll see how things pan out.

    • The new page has been pencilled 😀 There’s a vid on my livestream channel.

      More Noah, coming up!

      • Watched eeeeeeeeet… and headed my desk cause I missed the streaming by like 15mins xD Excited to see how this one’s going to turn out

  3. Jay! So nice to read a new page..can’t wait to see what happens next!

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