Page 12


  1. Woo! New page<3 and it's not even mond…I mean wednesday xD

    Awesome details

    • I know, we feel stupid! But I think with the current craziness at work, we should just upload as we can. This is a crazy time of year as everyone is trying to wrap projects before Christmas.

      • Yay so I can stalk the page any day and maybe find an upload woooooo! Cause I wasn’t doing that before. Honest.

        On the odds of sounding very girly right now (no am not going to mention noah’s pefectly on display ass cause I promise I didn’t notice it) uhm… what exactly are those little knife like things at the top to the left?

        • haha, we were wondering if that would happen… Captain America moment there. That wasn’t the intention though. 😛

          The site has an RSS feed as well so you can use that to get any updates as they happen.

          Those little things are throwing knives.

          • But but… the surprise! Although instant updates. How very stalkish friendly xD

            throwing *facepalm* knives

  2. Fullmoonstar at November 6, 2012, 00:31

    This is really awesome. As I have already said I really like all the wicked details you have done here. Noah is such a cool character. I really like him for being, just like he is. I can’t wait for more:D

    • Thanks man 😀 thanks for popping into my livestream. There’ll definitely be more Noah in the next couple of pages, stay tuned!

  3. Queen Brigitte at December 25, 2012, 21:55

    I definitely noticed Noah’s ass…

  4. BongMasteR at November 25, 2014, 15:26

    Excellent art Ben

  5. BongMasteR at November 25, 2014, 15:31

    oh and loved your laser kudu

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