Page 18


  1. Zap that corporate crap in the Zibi bin!

  2. Somehow I’ve managed to miss a number of pages. I had to go quite a ways back to catch up! 😀

  3. lol Zibi bins ftw! Nice little detail there.

  4. Fullmoonstar at February 5, 2013, 22:39

    Really intersting again. So I guess that he and the crew will get into serious trouble someday cause of this decision. I bet that they will be happy to have Noah and his guns then XD Great new page and story elements. I can’t wait to see more^^

    • Thank you! Yes, Renier really has put his foot in a corporation-sized doodie. >.> Moar on the way!

      • Fullmoonstar at February 6, 2013, 02:55

        That is really great to hear….well or not for Renier and the Crew. But I am really curious about what is going to come and how he will get out of the pretty bad situation he is in right now….I am just curious why he is in that situation at all….I can imagine a few things…but..not for sure.

  5. Ridiculicious at May 16, 2017, 23:50

    *reads description* “Ewwwww, what smells like big business?”

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