Co/Mix and rAge :D


Hey guys!

As you may know by now, Ben and I took our nautical nonsense to the Co/Mix event on the 22nd of September.

The event itself was a success. The talks were great, there were some huge names like Jaques de LoustalShapiroAnton Kannemeyer,Andy MasonMoray RhodaSu OppermanPete and Elaine WooDaniël Hugo (who is also the artist behind the gorgeous image used for the Co/Mix event poster) and many more. Brett Murray also made a turn, and had a few words to share about The Spear.

The turnout was pretty cool too, there was a really good mix of people – some had come because they loved comics, some had come to hear the speakers, and some had come because they know next to nothing about comics and wanted to learn more. There were a few people who told us that they had gained a new insight into the comics industry,  which is an excellent achievement for the creative community in South Africa.

There was quite a bit of press coverage on the event, including this article by Sean Ritchie: [link]

Here are a few pics from the article:

The only drawback was that we only sold about 10 comics. I heard that a lot of the other stallholders struggled with sales, too. I blame several factors. 1 – it was faaar too close to payday for comfort. The 22nd isn’t exactly the time of the month where people have extra cash to throw around. 2 – it was networking- and information-orientated, instead of retail-orientated. People came to see and listen, not to spend a ton of cash on comics and prints. 3 – it’s the very first time Co/Mix was made a part of the Open Book Festival! It can hardly be expected that festival-goers would know what to expect (and how much money to bring!) if the event is unprecedented.

The good news is that at least we got all our comics done and printed in plenty of time for rAge, and it was a good warm-up session. Pity that I got rather sick the next day from all the people-germs! That is a little concerning for me as I really don’t want to get sick after the first day of rAge. So I’m drinking my vitamins and got something from the pharmacy called Airmune. Apparently it’s even better than Linctagon, which is what I was chowing through to get over that stupid old head cold. The pharmacist said that I could start drinking it today even, in preparation for the onslaught of over 20,000 germy people who will infuse the air around me with their organic by-products. (Noah is refusing to read this. He walked away in a huff as soon as I said the word “germs.”)

So yes. Stress list is shrinking, at least, and things are coming together for rAge. We still have some last-minute things to do, as always, but Ben and I are feeling a lot more in control of things than this time a week ago.

As you have also probably noticed, the comic is on hold until rAge is over. Sorry guys. :( Ben had to work extra hard to be able to get the time off, and that meant overtime, and the little time that we HAVE had off was filled with rAge preparations and contract work. Eish!
If you are in JHB this weekend, you simply HAVE TO COME TO RAGE. The cosplay event is going to be huge! It’s got a foncy sponsor and everything! And the #LegionInk Artists’ Alley is going to be rocking some amazing work. Velocity 3 is launching there, there are at least two new other publications that I know of, there will be merchandise, figurines, paintings, prints, comics, graphic novels, clothing, stickers, you name it! And, of course, let’s not forget all the cool gaming and entertainment stuff that will be on show in the rest of the expo. :B But the Artists’ Alley is really where all the cool people hang out. So make sure you’re one of them. :eyes:

Thank you as always for all your love and support. It means the world to us!
Ben & Danelle

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