FCBD 2013 – May the 4th be with you!

So Free Comic Book Day 2013 was just… fantastic.

Wow. In just 7 hours, we’d managed to cover all our printing costs, even including the cost of the posters. The turnout was insane, I think this was the biggest one yet. And the cosplays! Oh my gosh! There were over 50 entrants in the Cosplay competition, and the characters spanned across multiple genres, which was really cool.

We sold quite well, but there’s still a lot of stock left, so anyone who wants to order a comic is welcome to do so. We charge a flat rate shipping fee of R35. Comics will still be R40 for regular and R80 for the sketched editions.

Some fellow local artists also launched comics at the event. Kay Carmichael with Sophie, Giant Slayer, Chris Beukes with WRATH, Alastair Brauns with Crimson, to name a few. It was great to see such a good energy among everybody. I’m guessing that next year will be even bigger and better. We may have to move to a new venue… No pressure, Readers Den. ;D

Now, for some photos! 😀 We were stuck at our booth most of the time, which is a good thing, because it means we were busy – but a bad thing because we didn’t get to take any photos. So our thanks go out the fine photographers who so kindly allowed us to use their images here. 🙂 We don’t know the names of all the cosplayers, so if you recognise any of your friends, please comment below and tell us who they are! Thanks :3

queue by damien fisher sm

The queue to get into the Readers Den shop. Photo by Damian Fisher


“I’m sorry, please spell your name again for me?” Photo by Marchelle Hermanus

(Featuring our buddy Clarence Musson from Zero Edge on the left there)

crowd by damien fishersm

The crowd looked like this from start to finish! Photo by Damian Fisher

booth pic by sham sm

“NYAAARGH!” Ben at the booth shortly before the proverbial doors were opened. Photo by Shameema Dharsey


Posing with the lovely Tamryn from Crimson and Clover Leatherwork. 😀 Photo by us, for once!

doom marine and rorscarch by damien fisher

Special mention to this really awesome DOOM Marine. Talk about a blast from the past! 😀 Photo by Damian Fisher (who also happens to be that Rorschach on the right)

wallies by damian fisher sm

The Wallies were there, too, in their natural habitat – the middle of a big crowd of people. Photo by Damian Fisher

impedimenta by damien fisher sm

Impedimenta is accosted by the vengeful spirit of a wild boar. Photo by Damian Fisher

fairly odd parents by chelsea smith sm

We were pleasantly surprised to see this Fairly Odd Parents cosplay too! Photo by Chelsea Smith

cosplay contest by zombiegamer sm

Cosplay contest finalists. Photo by Zombiegamer

space marine by zombiegamer sm

One of the most impressive cosplays of the day – a LIFE SIZE SPACE MARINE. Photo by Zombiegamer

For more cosplay pics, go to our Facebook page, where we’ll be linking FCBD photo albums as people put them up. Readers Den still has to put their huge one up, and I know there will be videos, blog posts and a whole bunch of other stuff from various people, so keep your eye on our FB page. That’s where we’ll be sharing all our finds.

This was so great. Thanks again to Readers Den, you guys are legends.


  1. Hi, thanks for the shout-out! <3

  2. Adrolien at May 5, 2013, 19:33

    Awesome! Glad you guys had a great time and that cotton star did so well xD

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