Selling adspace in Cottonstar print run #2!

Hey everyone!
With the rAge expo coming up, Ben and I are reprinting Chapter 1 of our watery webcomic.

This time we are doing a print run of 250.

So, to help cover costs, what we are selling is the following:

:bulletblue: The comic is in A5 format.
:bulletblue: Your ad will be on the inside of the back page.
:bulletblue: There are 2 x A7 blocks (the green and fuschia blocks on the photo) at R700 each, or 4 x horizontal strip banners of 2.5 cm (the dark/light strips across the page) at R300 each. 
:bulletblue: Your ad will feature in this run of 250 print editions.
:bulletblue: The target market/typical readership for our comic includes: those interested in art and comics, game developers, publishers, etc.
:bulletblue: Your ad will be in full colour (although if you want it black and white obviously you can do that, but it won’t make a price difference).
:bulletblue: At this point the adspace is only available to South African residents, sorry! We need the capital in ZAR to be able to make up costs.

Besides rAge, we will be selling these at the Open Book Fair in Cape Town on the 22nd of September, where top local writers and publishers will see your ad.

Please respond in this post if you are interested in buying adspace. The cutoff payment date for adspace is the 14th of September, as we plan on printing soon after.

Thank you!

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