Shattered Realms

Hey all! Just a quick post to show you what Ben is currently working on in his nine-to-five!

He is doing protagonist sprite animation for Shattered Realms, a scroller/brawler that plays like a fighting game. Think Golden Axe meets Street Fighter. You can download and play the pre-alpha here! It is being developed by Kopskop Games, incubated by Free Lives – ie the people behind Broforce – and will hopefully be picked up by a publisher soon after the incubation period ends.

And this is the intro video:

Disclaimer: it already looks a lot different, because the new sprites have been introduced, and will keep changing significantly as the development progresses.

Here’s the sprite that Ben has been working on for the past two weeks or so:

lynx sprite shattered realms

So far his hours seem good. FOR NOW. Anyone who’s ever worked in game dev knows that the hours can get long and grueling, but at this early stage it’s still calm enough to leave Ben time for freelance illustration, and yes, for Cottonstar! We’re currently roughing out the next few pages.

You can follow more Shattered Realms development process via their Twitter, Facebook Page or their Make Games SA thread.

Talk soon!


Danelle & Ben

Cottonstar on Patreon

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