
Here is a shiny, delicious page for you, a whole day early! (Must be why it’s been snowing near here!)


Who could this mystery character be??


With Free Comic Book day coming up, this will be the last from us for a short time, to give our cover artist some time to finish up the work, and also to take a little break from furiously drawing and making ALL THE THINGS. There will be filler content for you though, so do not dispair!

A longer blog post about FCBD will soon be posted, in there we will give you the deets on the haps.


Also, check out the gallery section for Ben’s derivative work, “Le Chat Noah.” It will be available for purchase at FCBD.


  1. Pippaf at May 7, 2014, 10:28

    Well that is me caught up. Groot werk guys.

  2. theobservantwolf at July 13, 2014, 10:42

    Kitty! Perhaps someone from Noah’s past? We shall see… Onward!

What's on your mind?